Business Building Tips!

Pinterest Communities (everything you need to know)
Pinterest Communities. Have you heard of them yet? If you haven’t, you’re about to because they are quickly exploding. A couple of weeks ago, Pinterest quietly launched a new feature called communities, transitioning Pinterest from solely a search engine to a social...

How quizzes can help with lead generation.
When you run your own business, you know there are a million things to do. And oftentimes, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. So that means you need to prioritize and use your time as efficiently as possible without compromising quality. And...

9 Signs it’s Time to Let a Client Go
I recently let go of a long-term client I had worked with for years. This former client is an absolutely lovely person. I resonate with her mission and I love what she’s trying to do. Add the fact that I know her business inside and out and not once have I had...

Should You List Prices on Your Website
The age-old question: should I list prices on my website or should I not? There are pretty strong stances on each side, so what should you do? Well, the short answer is, that depends. I know, I know, what a cop-out. But it's true. There are so many factors going into...

7 Ways to Overcome Your Fears in Business
There is a great deal of fear involved in starting your business, growing it, and taking it to the next level. Every entrepreneur has to deal with it. But to be successful, in any stage of your business, you need to face your fear. Sometimes that’s way easier said...